Twitter Bootstrap Carousel with Joomla and its Mootools

I am working on a template for Joomla 2.5.x using Twitter Bootstrap. I also want to use the Bootstrap Carousel plugin for this template.

I have a problem when Carousel is used with a Joomla Mootools implementation. The style of the Carousel element changes with a negative margin, making it invisible to the user. To show you what exactly is happening, I have prepared for you jsfiddle .

The carousel makes every second image invisible to the user due to the carousel style attribute, but the user must see every slide.

I already looked at the source code of the Carousel plugin and the Mootools JS files, but, unfortunately, I could not solve the cause of the problem. I thought maybe its some problems with function / class names between jQuery and Mootools, but could not find any problems there.

Hope you can help me here.

Edit: I realized that this has something to do with the Fx.Slide mootools-more.js class, removing the class from the source code solved the problem. But this is still not a solution, any help is still very much appreciated.

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6 answers

The problem is that Mootools is more in conflict with twitter bootstrap, so its action is weirdly carousel. I suggest you use only jQuery or just Mootools. Here's the implementation of bootstrap Mootools:


Here is a fix specific to Joomla and mootools more,

add this code after jq call, it can be in any js file


if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { (function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ $('.carousel').each(function(index, element) { $(this)[index].slide = null; }); }); })(jQuery); } 

Another implementation of the same as Benn is

 if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined' && typeof MooTools != 'undefined' ) { Element.implement({ slide: function(how, mode){ return this; } }); } 

What I finally finished - I created custom Mootools More build without Fx.Slide


With the same problem. I use a plugin called JB Library ( ) and it has options for removing Mootools and / or Mootools More from admin. After you turned off Mootools, the problem with the carousel is โ€œfixedโ€. Perhaps this will be easier to resolve than to comment on things regarding updates. Unless you need mootools-more.js for other things on the site, of course.

We hope that a better solution will be reached soon.


There was the same problem: the Bootstrap carousel did not work in the registered interface, since mootools-more.js was loaded.

My solution: JQuery Easy Plugin ( ) with the option "Remove Mootools when possible" in the "Advanced Options" section.

  (function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ var bootstrapLoaded = (typeof $().carousel == 'function'); var mootoolsLoaded = (typeof MooTools != 'undefined'); if (bootstrapLoaded && mootoolsLoaded) { Element.implement({ hide: function () { return this; }, show: function (v) { return this; }, slide: function (v) { return this; } }); } }); })(jQuery); 


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