I am working on a template for Joomla 2.5.x using Twitter Bootstrap. I also want to use the Bootstrap Carousel plugin for this template.
I have a problem when Carousel is used with a Joomla Mootools implementation. The style of the Carousel element changes with a negative margin, making it invisible to the user. To show you what exactly is happening, I have prepared for you jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/U2pHH/11/ .
The carousel makes every second image invisible to the user due to the carousel style attribute, but the user must see every slide.
I already looked at the source code of the Carousel plugin and the Mootools JS files, but, unfortunately, I could not solve the cause of the problem. I thought maybe its some problems with function / class names between jQuery and Mootools, but could not find any problems there.
Hope you can help me here.
Edit: I realized that this has something to do with the Fx.Slide mootools-more.js class, removing the class from the source code solved the problem. But this is still not a solution, any help is still very much appreciated.
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