AO Allback Server Closed: Terminating Callbacks

I am making an application using phonegap in android. I am using cordova 1.6.1

I get this error when I call the html file from my javascript callback function .:

AO Allback Server Closed: Terminating Callbacks

I am calling the html file using"file:///android_asset/www/html/sync.html"); 

I also tried calling html with window.location = "../html/sync.html"; but he gives me the same error. I have all the permissions required to use the Internet in a manifest.

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I got a solution:

I created an inline script on my html page and in that script I called the first login method, and then I called html call so I achieved a successful callback and redirected to the html page.

here is the code:

 function loginfunc() { loginV(); console.log("before loadUrl:"); if(sessionStorage.getItem('UserId') != -1) { window.location.replace('../html/sync.html'); } } 


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