I assume that this is for SQL Server.
Objects containing the symbol] should be indicated with [].
In the following table:
CREATE TABLE [t]]] ( [i]]d] int primary key, [da]]]ta] int )
You can select it using:
SELECT [da]]ta], [i]]d] FROM [t]]]
If you are looking for a way to use T-SQL to quote object names, you can use QUOTENAME.
In SQL Server, you can also use double quotes to quote object names; however, there are two things to check.
First you need to make sure you enable QUOTED_IDENTIFIER. Some drivers will be for you automatically.
The second thing you need to do is make sure that you avoid any other double quotes in the name of your object. From T-SQL, QUOTENAME reappears.
SELECT QUOTENAME('t"]') "t""]"
In VB.Net, you want to do something like:
dim queryStr As String = String.Format("SELECT ""{1}"" FROM dbo.myTable", String.Replace(col1, """", """"""))
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