Is UDID replication with OpenUDID a good way?

So, the apple rejects applications that use UDIDs. There are many posts about this, but I can not find where it is written whether it is good to use OpenUDID.

So maybe someone knows if this apple will be approved? Should OpenUDID have all the features like UDID?

Can someone use this approach and can explain more?

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3 answers

It seems like the easiest solution is to simply create your own UUID:

NSString *UUID() { CFUUIDRef cfuuid = CFUUIDCreate(NULL); NSString *uuid = (__bridge_transfer NSString *)CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, cfuuid); CFRelease(cfuuid); return uuid; } 

If you need to save this in uninstall / install cycles, put it in the keychain as described here: / ...

Best of all, this is how Apple suggests you do it.

Good luck


We create our own UDIDs based on the hash of the device MAC address and packet identifier. This ensures that we can uniquely identify our application on a specific device.

You can also create a hash based only on the MAC address if you need a unique identifier in several applications.

I actually wrote a blog post on how to do this, and provided an example code here:


According to my information, this is a good way. Similarly, SecureUDID also does the same. Using OpenIDID, UDID does not even change the restart of the application or reinstalls the application. But if u changes any input values, such as kOpenUDIDDomain or kOpenUDIDSlotPBPrefix, then it generates a new UDID. Based on the names that it generates and stores in PasteBoard. If you reset the device is also still the same. I will personally vote for it.



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