HEAD HTTP Requests in Rails 3

Rails 3 is currently sending a HEAD request to the corresponding GET route. Have a head? The method is on request, but returns false, and the request acts like a get request. Can I determine if a request is a HEAD request?

Reasoning: I get that the HEAD request should return the EXACT same headers as get, so Rails wants to execute a full GET and then shave off the body. However, I can match this query without causing the same DB calls, etc., that GET. It makes sense?

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3 answers

I had this exact problem. It turns out that this makes caching possible. Enable caching in your environment and #head? will work as expected.

The problem is that Rack :: Cache turns HEAD requests into GET requests so that they can be cached. This is probably the correct behavior, but it interfered with my application.


Can you use request.head? method to find out if it is a HEAD request:


Once you have determined that this is the case, you can also use the head () method of the controller instead of the usual render:


So, I just checked request.head? before you worry about database activity. Then use

head :ok, :custom_header => 'value' 
 def index if request.head? head :created else Rails.logger.info "Derp #{request.method}" end end 

Hm. The above controller method works as I would expect on Ruby v1.9.3-p194 and Rails v3.2.3; 201 without response body for HEAD requests and 200 w / for GET.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914842/

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