Play framework 2.0 - internationalization - how to translate a message

First question: how can I get text translation in the controller?

Second question: how can I get the translation of text into a template?

Api says there is a .get method that converts the message:

However, my application does not recognize this method. Opening in eclipse Message.class shows that it has a .apply method written in Scala and Java !?

object Messages { /** * Translates a message. * * Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message. * * @param key the message key * @param args the message arguments * @return the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasnโ€šร„รดt defined */ def apply(key: String, args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = { Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app => app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.translate(key, args)).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled")) }.getOrElse(noMatch(key, args)) } 

Now eclipse tells me that I can call this method as follows:

 > String play.api.i18n.Messages.apply(String arg0, Seq<Object> arg1, > Lang arg2) 

But what should I introduce as an argument to "Seq"?

- Decision -

The problem was that I imported play.api.i18n.Messages instead of play.i18n.Messages ...

Having defined two message files ( and messages.en-UK) and using the following code, everything works fine:


  import play.i18n.Messages; import play.api.i18n.Lang; Lang en = new Lang("en","GB"); play.i18n.Lang en_lang = new play.i18n.Lang(en); Lang de = new Lang("de", "DE"); play.i18n.Lang de_lang = new play.i18n.Lang(de);"home.title"));, "home.title"));, "home.title")); 


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1 answer

Receiving a transfer inside the controller:

 // in messages file msg.key=Hello Translation // in you controller Messages.get("msg.key"); 

You can even pass parameters:

 // in messages file msg.key=Hello {0}, here is your translation //in controller Messages.get("msg.key", User.firstName); 

From the point of view you can use: Messages("msg.key")

You can even apply HTML formatting (applicable only for views):

 // in messages file msg.key=Hello <strong>{0}</strong>, here is your translation // in controller Messages.get("msg.key", User.firstName); //in view @Html(objectInView) 

Please note the following: Currently it is not possible to explicitly determine the language, see Error Report: -lang-for-java-api

A similar question was asked before: Access to i18n transmitted messages from Scala templates (Play! Internationalization)

Error i18n: controller and templates use different implicit languages



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