Grails, Spring Security, and Siteminder - Resource Issues or UserDetails

I am trying to protect a grails application using spring security based on preAuth from Siteminder. That is basically all I need. The application is used only to check some things, so there is no need for a database.

I am stuck with some filter issues that I cannot accept anyway.

At first I used only RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter and custom UserDetails and UserDetailsService.

My spring beans:

beans = { userDetailsService(MyUserDetailsService) userDetailsServiceWrapper(UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper) { userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService') } preauthAuthProvider(PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider) { preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService = ref('userDetailsServiceWrapper') } requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter(RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter){ principalRequestHeader='SM_USER' authenticationManager = ref('authenticationManager') } } 

I have MyUserDetailsProvider:

 class MyUserDetailsService implements GrailsUserDetailsService { MyUserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException{ //some super secret code here ;) return new MyUserDetails(some needed params) } } 

I also set up secure URLs, as in every wise tutorial:

 grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [ '/user/**':['ROLE_MINE'], '/activation/**':['ROLE_SOMEOTHER, ROLE_MINE'], '/js/**': ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/css/**': ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/images/**': ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/*': ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'] ] 

and some providers (anonymously anonymous, as indicated in some tutorials):

 grails.plugins.springsecurity.providerNames = ['preauthAuthProvider','anonymousAuthenticationProvider'] 

It worked great for accessing data, but did not allow loading resources, in particular images. The error indicated that the SM_USER header was not found in the request.

So I thought that I could use some kind of solution, such as "filters: none" or "security: none", so that spring knows that the url request allows without checking SM_USER.

I tried adding material for filtering and filterChain:

 grails.plugins.springsecurity.filterNames = ['requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter'] grails.plugins.springsecurity.filterChain.chainMap = [ '/user/**': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter', '/activation/**': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter', '/*': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter' ] 

but it did not help.

Then I tried to use some other filter that would be used on resources without the SM_USER header. From the help, I realized that an anonymous filter might be enough.

So, I made some changes:

 grails.plugins.springsecurity.providerNames = ['preauthAuthProvider','anonymousAuthenticationProvider'] grails.plugins.springsecurity.filterNames = ['anonymousAuthenticationFilter','requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter'] grails.plugins.springsecurity.filterChain.filterNames = ['anonymousAuthenticationFilter','requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter' 


 grails.plugins.springsecurity.filterChain.chainMap = [ '/user/**': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter', '/versionone/**': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter', '/activation/**': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter', '/js/**': 'anonymousAuthenticationFilter', '/css/**': 'anonymousAuthenticationFilter', '/images/**': 'anonymousAuthenticationFilter', '/*': 'requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter' ] 

YAY who helped the images. But another problem arose.

Instead of the myUserDetails object, which should be returned with proper authorization, I pretty often get some String object. And my application fails in the inability to find one property in this String object (which is quite obvious since it does not exist;))

Does anyone know how to deal with this problem? Refusal to display images is not an option;)

Is there any way to exclude images / other resources from filterchain in grails spring ... security configuration? Just as it was done in the usual Java.xml path ...?

I would be grateful for all the help and suggestions on how to solve this.


// EDIT: if anyone using this as a security setting link for siteminder sso, note to add:

 checkForPrincipalChanges = 'true' invalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange = 'true' 

in your requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter. Otherwise, you will be dealing with a non-updated privilege in the http session when you call the springSecurityService.getPrincipal () function, so users can be "registered as someone else." :) Also consider changing the scope of your beans to 'prototype'.

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1 answer

If anyone is interested, I found some workarounds for this problem:

1. Ask the SiteMinder administrator to add the SM_USER header to all images or to a set of them limited by the location of the URL. By default, this is disabled due to overall performance. Then release all additional filters and live happily with preAuth.

2. Use static content instead of including images in .war and redirecting:]


Put all the necessary images in the var / www / yourfolder / images folder Add a few aliases to the httpd configuration:

 Alias /yourapp/imgs var/www/yourfolder/images ProxyPass /yourapp/imgs ! 

Restart the service. Be happy with the images: D

I know that this is not a solution, but only a workaround. But it does work. I will still be happy to hear some of the best ideas :)




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