How to use youtube video as a source in the "video" tag in HTML5

I need to provide youtube video as a source for the HTML5 video tag, as soon as the video finishes the game, the “onended” event will fire in that I will write some kind of script that will run.

<video id="videoSource" style="visibility:visible" width="1000" height="500" controls="controls" onended="hideVideo()"> <source src="**Youtube Video Link Goes here**" type="video/mp4" /> </video> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideVideo() { document.getElementById("videoSource").style.visibility="hidden"; } </script> 

Here everything works fine with the local video file, only I need to give youtube video as a source that it does not work, so please, anyone knows that this will help me .. Thanks in Advance.

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2 answers

Html5 does not support youtube url. If you need video src for your site, you can do:

Step 1: Add &html5=True to your favorite YouTube URL.

Step 2: find the <video/> in the source

Step 3: add controls="controls" in the video tag: <video controls="controls"..../>


 <video controls="controls" class="video-stream" x-webkit-airplay="allow" data-youtube-id="N9oxmRT2YWw" src=";itag=43&amp;ipbits=0&amp;signature=D2BCBE2F115E68C5FF97673F1D797F3C3E3BFB99.59252109C7D2B995A8D51A461FF9A6264879948E&amp;sver=3&amp;ratebypass=yes&amp;expire=1300417200&amp;key=yt1&amp;ip=;id=37da319914f6616c"></video> 

Notice that there are some things expire . I don't know how long the src string will work.

Testing yourself.

Please note that this src video is specific to the browser that you use to fetch the page source. I think Youtube generates this HTML dynamically (at least for the time being), so when testing, if I copy to Firefox, this works in Firefox, but not in Chrome.


Polyfill required. Go to and scroll down to “video” to get the current list of what's there.

MediaElement.js is the only one I used, it has a “completed” event that you can hook up. Others probably do too.



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