JQuery hide selectMenu?

I am using jQuery selectMenu in a select tag like this.


In some cases, I want to hide it, and I cannot figure out how to do it.

this does not work:


and this one


is anyone

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6 answers

Looking at the demo here and here , it seems that selectmenu works by adding

 <span class="ui-selectmenu-button"> or (probably different selectmenu versions?) <a ... class="ui-selectmenu ..."> 

after the initial selection containing the artificial choice.

You can try to access this with

 $('#ddlReport').next('.ui-selectmenu .ui-selectmenu-button').hide(); 

Although it seems like it can use other classes (instead of -button ). This is also a kind of hacky workaround, and I'm sure the plugin contains some way to allow you to access the recently added menu.

Edit: After looking at the code in the second demo version, it doesn't seem like there is any pre-programmed way to access the new type in this version.


Having lost several hours trying to figure it out. I finally wrapped the thing in a <div> and just show / hide in the div. Of course, far from elegant, but it keeps me from mobile mobile devices.


works for me.


With new versions of jQueryUI (I work with version 1.11.4) just use the "widget" attribute:

 $("#element").selectmenu( "widget" ).hide(); 

Thank you Armatus!

Just want to say that it worked for me:


Without the .ui-selectmenu-button class, which does not exist in HTML.


This is the solution!


wrapping with a div or enforcing button classes is ultimately more complicated.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914749/

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