Search for installed versions of Apache modules in CentOS / RHEL

I found a similar question about this, but was targeting Debian here .

However, since I do not have apt-cache, this does not help me. Duration:

httpd -M 

Gives me a list of all installed modules, but not their version. My colleague just pointed out that you can use:

  yum info mod_dav_svn.x86_64 

This returns the installed version and the version available through Yum, however, if I use httpd -M, it lists names like:

Is there an easy way to map the file name of installed modules (i.e. x86_64 i386) so that I can check each module, or even better, does anyone know a way to display this information for all modules at the same time?

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3 answers

It is not clear to me that you definitely want to know or what you will achieve, but for me it seems something like this:

cd / usr / lib / httpd / modules /
* .so file


You can use yum to get the apache modules version:

 yum info mod_fcgid 

List of installed Apache modules:

 yum list installed mod_* 


 rpm -qa mod_* 

The formatted output of "PackageName-Version-Release.Arch":

 yum list installed mod_* | awk '/mod_.*/ { split($1,a,"."); print a[1] "-" $2 "." a[2] }' 


 rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n" mod_* 


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