Does anyone know how to annotate @Schedule on JBoss AS 7?
I know that on Glassfish-3.1.2 it works out of the box.
I try this:
@ManagedBean @Stateless(name="ImportStatementSchedule") public class ImportStatementSchedule implements Serializable{ private Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Schedule(minute="*") public void executeImport(){"Scheduled task started"); } }
I expect to receive a log message every minute, but nothing;)
I checked these forum topics, but nothing helps:
A have JBoss AS 7.1.1-Final
Perhaps I forgot something, please, can someone point me to the right path?
I know that JBoss registers EJB in JNDI:
11:07:05,548 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) JNDI bindings for session bean named ImportStatementSchedule in deployment unit deployment "finadv.war" are as follows: java:global/finadv/ImportStatementSchedule!finadv.bean.ImportStatementSchedule java:app/finadv/ImportStatementSchedule!finadv.bean.ImportStatementSchedule java:module/ImportStatementSchedule!finadv.bean.ImportStatementSchedule java:global/finadv/ImportStatementSchedule java:app/finadv/ImportStatementSchedule java:module/ImportStatementSchedule
It was resolved as indicated in the comments.
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