I hope this is not due to the fact that I am using the Mutable array here, but it puzzles me, so it would not surprise me if that were the case.
I created a small database, which is essentially an NSMutableArray containing custom objects that we can call recordObjects. I created an array:
database = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
and my custom object called "recordObject" contains the following variables and inits:
NSString *name; int anInt; Bool aBool;
I also synthesized methods so that I can make calls such as:
aString = [[database objectAtIndex:someIndex] name];
And methods were added for my controller class to add, delete, and select individual records to display. So far, everything is working correctly and exactly as expected.
Then I set my class recordObject (a subclass of NSObject) to use NSCoder (by including the @interface directive and adding the following encoding and decoder methods to the implementation file:
-(void) encodeWithCoder: (NSCoder *) encoder { [encoder encodeObject: name forKey: @"recordName"]; [encoder encodeInt: anInt forKey: @"recordInteger"]; [encoder encodeBool: aBool forKey: @"recordBool"]; } -(id) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *) decoder { name = [decoder decodeObjectForKey: @"recordName"]; anInt = [decoder decodeIntForKey: @"recordInteger"]; aBool = [decoder decodeBoolForKey: @"recordBool"]; }
To write the file, I used the following:
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:database toFile:myPath]
When I run the program, all APPEARS is working correctly. The encoder method is called for each of the entries in the array, and the file is written to disk. Opening a file with TextEdit shows that there is data (although I mostly donโt understand).
Here, where I run into an obstacle.
I added the following code to upload the file to my database array:
database = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:myPath];
When I run the program again, this time loading the database, APPEARS is working correctly. My first test was to use the NSMutableArray counting method:
x = [database count];
As a result, X filled in the required number of entries in the file. If 5 records were saved when I saved the database, X will be set to 5 after loading the database the next time the program runs.
Now here is the big problem:
The program crashes if I try to use ANY of my access methods. For example, if I try to use the following after loading the database:
aString = [[database objectAtIndex:someIndex] name];
the program crashes and returns the following error in the console:
Program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS". sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
My interpretation is that for some reason the data is not loaded or initialized in the database array, but for life I canโt understand where I made a mistake here.
As an additional note, everything that I implemented was made from Stephen G. Kochanโs book "Programming in Objective-C"
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!