Phonegap Disable Screen Rotate On Single Page?

I am using PhoneGap and I am working with an Android web application.

How to disable screen rotation for only one page?

I was looking for this solution, but all solutions say disabling screen rotation in the AndroidManifest.xml file. However, this disables rotation for the entire application. I need to turn off rotation for only one page.

Can this be done using PhoneGap / Javascript code? I do not use Java code.


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3 answers

I know this post is a few months old, but there is a plug-in for the telephone plug that can help you ... This is a plugin that can lock or unlock the screen orientation.

OrientationLock - Android PhoneGap


You can simply remove the following tag or set it to 'portrait' in the config.xml file:

<preference name="orientation" value="portrait" /> 

For more information, read the documentation by phone:


This is an easy way to block rotation:

1/. Change in config.xml file:

 <preference name="orientation" value="portrait" /> 

2 /. Put this code in the Android Manifestxml file in:

 <activity> ... android:screenOrientation="portrait" ... </activity> 


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