My application (wrapped in PhoneGap) works both online and offline. I store images and videos encoded in base64 in localstorage. When I debug this in the browser, it works fine, but on the iPad it screams “Operation could not be completed” in javascript promt.
I tried to post a video with a clean html tag and True Ext.Video.
Am I missing something? Thanks
newhtml += "<video width='320' height='240' controls='controls'> <source src='data:video/mp4;base64,"+tmpStore.getAt(i).data.myPages[j].myProducts[k].myItens[0].fileData+"' /></video>";
Tested in the native browsers iPad and Android 3.0, and the result is the same: "Operation ...". Tested with and without autoplay and controllers (in video / source tags).
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