In @ dragon112's answer, is it likely that you will need 15XX
as BOTH of the first two parameters? (Just like NULL is and is not any value at the same time.)
- the oldest date for this book (for 15xx it will be 1500).
- the youngest possible date for this book (for 15xx it will be 1599).
If so, you can save the two dates and specify the date range within which the book was published.
This makes your queries / system more complex. When writing an SQL bot, they are syntactically correct, but you need to choose what is suitable in any given situation, since they can give different results ...
WHERE earliestPublishDate > '1550-01-01' WHERE latestPublishDate > '1550-01-01'
So, the most important question when deciding how to store your data:
“How are you going to interrogate him?”
You need to know your use cases (or likely use cases) to determine the correct presentation of the data.
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