I have two tables in SQL Server: client and address
Customer table :
CustomerID FirstName LastName ----------- ---------- ---------- 1 Andrew Jackson 2 George Washington
Address table :
AddressID CustomerID AddressType City ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 1 1 Home Waxhaw 2 1 Office Nashville 3 2 Home Philadelphia
This is the result I need:
CustomerID Firstname HomeCity OfficeCity ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 Andrew Waxhaw Nashville 2 George Philadelphia Null
This is my request, but the correct result is not obtained:
SELECT CustomerID, Firstname, HOme as HomeCity, Office as OfficeCity FROM (SELECT C.CustomerID, C.FirstName, A.AddressID, A.AddressType, A.City FROM Customer C, Address A WHERE C.CustomerID = A.CustomerID)as P PIVOT (MAX(city) FOR AddressType in ([Home],[Office])) as PVT
This is the result I get:
CustomerID Firstname HomeCity OfficeCity ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 Andrew Waxhaw NULL 1 Andrew NULL Nashville 2 George Philadelphia Null
As you can see, client 1 is ultimately displayed twice. Is it possible to get only one row for each client?
I looked through this example but did not help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6267660/sql-query-to-convert-rows-into-columns
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