Exclude directory during jenkins check

I have 20 directories under the trunk

/trunk/a1 /trunk/a2 /trun/a3 .. .. /trunk/a20 

How to exclude (not include) some (arbitrary directories during the Jenkins check. For example, I want to have all directories under the trunk except / trunk / a3 / b1 How to do this?

I already found the answer in the SVN ignore folder , but this is not possible under Jenkins. A much simpler solution is needed in which I do not know the number of directories under the body, except for the ones I want to exclude.

Also how to add custom svn check. Say I want to run the svn command line tool to perform a check?

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2 answers

I know a lot to the end, but maybe it can be useful: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-25273

Important: This version contains quick and dirty fixes! In our tests, it was stable without errors, but to avoid problems, save the Jenkins environment before testing it.

Installation: Simply delete the subversion folder and files in your Jenkins plugin and replace them with the subversion.hpi file from the ticket. You must also create an empty file named subversion.hpi.pinned in your plugin folder so that the new plugin is not overwritten with the original one.


Since you are updating (and not completing the check), you can do the following: after the initial check, go to the directory that you want to ignore and do svn up --set-depth=empty . Subsequent updates will not update the directory.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914146/

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