Optimize Google Chrome Fonts

I use Google Fonts and custom fonts heavily because Google Chrome has a bad habit of displaying them poorly, which is a shame because everything else works fine with Google Chrome, is there a way that I can (preferably use css) render fonts to the Apple standard Safari?


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2 answers

This is always a confusing question. (see: https://superuser.com/questions/354006/google-chrome-never-renders-fonts-properly-no-smoothing-etc . See also: http://productforums.google.com/forum/# ! topic / chrome / oXILHkVG75M )

This is a Windows 7 / Vista ClearType issue. AFAIK Safari, FF, and IE render text differently or use their own text rendering routines. Basically, it was so that you could add a little shadow to set the internal Chrome rendering frame, and the text would look nice, but it looks pretty good anyway. This is no longer working. As far as I can tell about a bug in Chrome that has not been fixed.

I'm still looking for work, but I think we were very unlucky.


Do you have a look at -webkit-font-smoothing? I regularly use Google Fonts and @ font-face kits and have been successful with some of the โ€œchunkierโ€ fonts using sub-pixel anti-aliasing and anti-aliasing:

-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 

Perhaps try each one and see if what you see has changed?

There is a post on MaxVoltar that gives a reasonable explanation:



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914137/

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