VS2010: Loading characters from a DLL is very slow

I have a program that I work on my Dell XPS 502X laptop. At work, I usually have another monitor connected to the DVI port, and everything is fine. When I work from home, I only have a laptop screen. When I run the program in VS2010, it is very slow, and I see it at the bottom of the screen Loading symbols for ...\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\detourel.dll... , which takes about 10-20 seconds each time. Any idea on why this is happening?


I thought this was a problem with the drivers, but now it happens again.

I tried ideas posted in similar questions

-DeleteAllBreakpoints, does not work.

-No remote characters or network path

-Enabled only my code

Looks like a DLL hook introduced by graphics drivers ... driving me crazy!


The problem occurs and turns off, today everything seems to be a godsend, yesterday I even noticed that the GROOVEEX.dll was loading slowly while the program was running when CFileDialog started. Thus, it may not be just something related to graphics drivers.

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1 answer

It seems that nVidia uses Microsoft's Detours library. Hope this helps ...




Run the msconfig tool built into Windows to take a look at some of the things that nVidia launches at startup. You may want to temporarily disable some of the startup elements, but you will want to learn that each element that you disable before this, or you may have to go into safe mode in order to return to a good state.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914129/

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