clojure.contrib is a separate library, and therefore its dependency must be explicitly specified
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1"] [org.clojure/contrib "1.2.0"]]
From 1.3 to the more monolithic clojure.contrib is no more, and the libraries are separated as separate libraries .
These libraries should be found in / m 2 / org / clojure / clojure and / m2 / org / clojure / clojure / contrib. Remember that they do not automatically get to your class path only by running lein eclipse
after running lein deps
, which edits your eclipse.classpath and .projects file.
By the way, I would suggest using the lein plugin install lein-ccw "1.2.0"
, which Clojure 1.3 is compatible with lein-eclipse. Instead of lein eclipse
after lein deps
you should use lein ccw
I always installed lein-eclipse or lein-ccw plugins in leiningen via the command line, so I donβt know how dev-dependencies work. In Leiningen 2.0, they shared the functionality of the plugin and dev-dependency.
(Note: both of these plugins are used only in stable Leiningen 1.7.1)
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