A successful hero launches rake db: migrate, but the columns do not seem to work

I added a new column called level to my table called ClassRequest, ran rake db: migrate on localhost, and the view worked fine. Pushed changes to the hero, and the error "NoMethodError: undefined method` level" for # "occurred in the view

So, I ran heroku run rake db: migrate and it seems to be successful, showing the codes below.

Running rake db:migrate attached to terminal... up, run.1 == AddDetailsToClassRequests: migrating ====================================== -- add_column(:class_requests, :level, :string) -> 0.0684s == AddDetailsToClassRequests: migrated (0.0713s) ============================= 

But when I load the associated view, I still have this error "NoMethodError: undefined method` level" for # ".

I am new to rails, so I don’t know what is wrong, and how I know how to check what went wrong.

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2 answers
 heroku restart 

Check out the heroku docs: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rake

After starting the migration, you want to restart the application using the hero restart to restart the scheme and select any changes to the scheme.


You need to restart the application after starting the migration. Try

heroku restart

and see if things improve.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914126/

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