EF core libraries support multiple result set procedures. Unfortunately, the designer does not - and it is not clear whether this will be after the release.
I also found the documentation a bit sparse, especially for returning several types of objects (as opposed to complex types). Fortunately, manually editing EDMX is not too complicated. I wrote a blog post on the topic ....
Entity Framework 5 - Multiple result sets from a stored procedure (note, my server may take several minutes for disks when not many people spend my modest little blog).
Briefly this is in the CSDL section.
<edmx:ConceptualModels> <Schema Namespace="myModel" ...> <EntityContainer Name="myModelEntities" ....> ...... <FunctionImport Name="MyMARS_Proc" > <ReturnType Type="Collection(myModel.Table_A)" EntitySet="Table_As"/> <ReturnType Type="Collection(myModel.Table_B)" EntitySet="Table_Bs"/> </FunctionImport>
Then in the MSL (CS Mapping) section you will want ...
<edmx:Mappings> <Mapping Space="CS" ....> <EntityContainerMapping ....> <FunctionImportMapping FunctionImportName="MyMARS_Proc" FunctionName="myModel.Store.MyMARS_Proc"> <ResultMapping> <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="myModel.Table_A"/> </ResultMapping> <ResultMapping> <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="myModel.Table_B"/> </ResultMapping> </FunctionImportMapping>
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