Catalog price rule and shopping cart rule

I have not found the answer anywhere, so some of you may come up with an explanation.

Here is the problem: I have a catalog price rule. 10% discount on the category that applies to groups of customers with a discount of 5% and 10% and, of course, normal customers.

Now the problem is that when a customer belonging to a discount group buys a product at a discount, the product already discounted also has a discount group. (5 or 10%).

Is there a way to tell magento about disabling the shopping cart rule if there is a discounted product in the cart?

Sorry, I do not have a question related to some purple code, but this is a big problem, and any help is more than welcome.


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3 answers

You can add a condition to the basket rule that discounted goods or categories are not included in the basket. This will invalidate the basket rule if they already have these products at a discount in the basket.


See the answer here ...

In Magento, in the catalog and in the basket there are 2 types of price rules. Price lists. Catalog rules are accepted for products before they are added to the basket, while price rules in the basket are applied to the basket.


I came across this question looking for the same solution. The requirement is that customers in group X receive a 10% discount, but exclude products that already have a discount, or through the price rules of the catalog with special_price values.

It seems that there is still no clear solution;) As indicated in other answers and comments, you can exclude products from the discount rule using the category.

This is a viable solution, but the problem is the need to maintain this list of products, which can be a very time-consuming and error-prone task.

It can be automated!

Using the Dynamic Category Products extension (developed by me), you can automate the list of products with active discounts.

Quick way.

Create a new root category in your store. It’s easy to group your data categories outside of the default storage, so they don’t accidentally appear.

you are creating subcategories from this new root category. One of them will be a category in which all products with a discount will be listed.

As an example, here is my Root Data Category , with some subcategories. I use all this in shopping cart rules.

enter image description here

For this answer we will be interested in All products with discount applied

This category contains dynamic rules as follows:

enter image description here

The category will be dynamic, self-renewing, daily and can be used to exclude products from existing discounts for purchases.

I hope this helps someone.



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