AppStore in iPhone Simulator Xcode

Can I download and run applications from the iPhone AppStore in the iPhone Xcode simulator? I would download Xcode for my Mac and use it as an iPhone, and then;)

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2 answers

No, the simulator runs i386 binaries, and the App app for iPhone is ARM applications.

IOS applications are compiled for machine code, Android applications run in a virtual machine using byte code and are transferred to machine code at the time of their launch.


It's impossible

The simulator does not run ARM code, ONLY x86 code. If you do not have Apple source code, you will not see the App Store on the simulator.

The application you write will be able to test in Simulator by running it directly from Xcode, even if you do not have a developer account. To test your application on the device itself, you will need to abandon the Apple Developer program.



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