Using Visual Studio 2010 I would like to perform regular expression at the project level, as shown below.
Find: #region {any string here}
#region {any string here}
Replace: #region - string from above -
#region - string from above -
I tried the following:
region\s'{[^]+}' region '{[^]+}' region {:q}
But the IDE complains about the wrong template. How can i fix this?
Ahhh, Visual Studio regular expressions ... They cannot be called regular expressions, because they diverge from much of what is "standard"
I started VS, and after some trial and error this worked:
\#region \{{.*}\}
#region - \1 -
Search: {\#region:b+}{.*}
Replace: \1 - \2 -
\1 - \2 -
If you are specifically looking for "{" and "}",
Search: {\#region:b+}\{{.*}\}
With quotes:
Search: {\#region:b+}{'.*'}
To remove quotes:
Search: {\#region:b+}'{.*}'
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