I'm a complete newbie, how can I find out Node.Js + Express + MongoDB?

I want to make it clear that I have no prior programming experience, I only have experience with HTML and SQL, everything seems to be like β€œSee how the documentation is”, yes, it definitely helps me! sniff * sniff * is there a book that can be recommended or a series of webcasts?

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4 answers

Welcome to the wonderful world of node.js!

I myself also began to study node.js and often asked myself: "what is express"? "Why use express over node?" and etc.

Express is a fantastic web structure, so you can create reliable applications with a lot of difficult things done for you :)

I highly recommend reading his examples to feel how it all adds up: https://github.com/visionmedia/express/tree/master/examples

I found this screen very useful in myself, learning the basics: http://vimeo.com/38136668

Proloser explains how to launch a new express application, how to connect it to mongodb and explain how and why everything works :) He created it for new nodes.

Our noders go to irc.freenode.net in the channel # node.js. Come and ask any questions you have, and we will help you set up :)

  • I want to make it clear that I do not have pre-programming,
  • I only have experience with HTML and SQL

Based on these two points, you should first learn programming. You want to know NodeJS + Express + MongoDB, of which 3 of them are completely different than you already know.

  • Start with Javascript first. This is more than enough: http://www.w3schools.com/js/
    • Write your scripts to a file called try.js and execute them with node try.js and see the results!
  • Then try to find out how the web application is created. Two basics for you:
  • Then learn MongoDB, this is not a SQL database, this is a NoSQL database, I don’t know why you want to learn it, but experimenting with http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Tutorial will definitely help. But all you have to do is look at the examples. To use MongoDB from Node, you can use Mongoose.

I think you should learn the basics of a programming language before delving into the scope.

The code year contains a series of interactive programming lessons for learning JavaScript. You learn the language step by step from scratch.

When you grab JavaScript, you can start using express and mongo and other frameworks.


You have a long way to go if you only know HTML / CSS. Take a look at http://howtonode.org/express-mongodb

You should have a deeper understanding of how to code modular JavaScript, JSON, Databases (especially NoSQL databases).



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913877/

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