DevExpress ExpressSkins or VCL Styles?

I am working on a great legacy written in Delphi. Most components are VCL and DevExpress QuantumGrid components. I will need to update the interface to support different styles and a more modern look. I originally planned to upgrade to the DevExpress ExpressSkins library (I already have a full DevExpress VCL subscription) and replace all components with DevExpress components. However, since I updated the project to Delphi XE2, VCL Styles technology has appeared with it.

What are the pros and cons of these libraries?

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I did not use VCL styles because I also have Dev Express and like to use their skins. But here are my two cents for DX skins.

Pros for DX skins:

  • looking great
  • always comes out with lots of skins
  • chooser selection widget built-in for the end user if you use the DX ribbon in your application
  • DX has great support for its components

Disadvantages for DX skins:

  • Not applicable in Citrix or Terminal Services environments due to slow screen tinting.
  • each skin adds an entry to your USES statement, which can be cumbersome for version control


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