IPhone Application name (springboard and target) of the list of allowed special characters

I am looking for a set of characters that can be used to include in the application name to represent the application store.

So far I know that alphanumeric characters are approved in the name of the application that is displayed on the springboard. Can the name of the application begin with a number? Can the application name have + somewhere in it? Could it have? mark? Can they have points. or colon :?

I had problems sending the application with + to it AppName + displayed during debugging, but I could not imagine it as the package name for the application store.

What about the name used to display the product in the app store?

I know that: is allowed in the name of the application store. What about +, -? /:.?

I need to understand what characters I can display to the user as the name of the application on the iPhone and what characters can be displayed in the application store.

For example, the name of my springboard for my application is called CoolApp ++. This name is displayed below the icon. To send an application to the application store, I need to provide a package identifier in the form: com.yourcompanyname.appname

Any input is appreciated!

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3 answers

Now there is no guarantee as to whether this transmission will pass, but any character that you can find on the keyboard manually is fair play (!? & $@ (); "- / :: [] +} = # * ^ _ € | • <€ £ |, etc.), Along with most, if not all, Lactic diacritical characters, Sanskrit, Kanji, Koreans, both simplified and Mandarin Chinese and Russian. I am sure there are others but iOS is only now expanding support for several exotic languages.

When it comes to Unicode and Emoji, there are some characters that iOS may not be able to display, or that the apple deems inappropriate. The springboard should never have been a chaotic mess of characters, it should have been a place where people could associate app icons and names with apps. Although the apple seems to support Emoji ever since they expanded the Japanese keyboard.

So, although they can be found in certain applications, use the words of the apple "If we reject your application, do not quote them as examples to appeal your rejection."


The application has 4 names: the name of the product or package file, the package identifier suffix, the app store name assigned by iTunes Connect, and the name of the displayed list under the icon. Only the last 2 names allow special characters and spaces. The first 2 should be just ASCII without spaces. You can install all 4 application names separately, and many Apple-approved applications have these 4 names, all different from each other (if they are not mistakenly different from each other, I suppose).

A goal or project may try to set all these 4 names at the beginning, but they can all be edited and changed by you. Preferred, standalone and 4 different application names.


Almost all characters are allowed, for example, there are applications with names with diacritics, Chinese and Korean alphabets. There are many applications with the names ".com" or "AC / DC", for example. So far, this display name is close to the actual name of the application (i.e. Abbreviations, etc. Allowed, completely different package names). Apple may reject applications with bright names.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913800/

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