VS 2010 + ReSharper 6.1 - Shortcut to insert a new line?

In IntelliJ, you can press Ctrl + Alt + Enter to insert a new line at the current cursor position in the editor.

Is there such a shortcut for VS + ReSharper?

I would also like IntelliJ Shortcut to complete the current statement without going to the next line.


Ctrl + Shift + Enter = Ends the current statement without going to the next line.
Shift + Enter = Only go to the next line.
Ctrl + Alt + Enter = Inserts a new line and moves the current line down.

Would love to have this for VS + ReSharper

I really appreciate your help.

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3 answers

To your requirement:

complete the current statement without going to the next line.

The shortest way I know is Ctrl + Shift + Enter , Ctrl + L (when using the VisualStudio scheme).


Set Shortcut Edit.LineOpenBelow


IIRC, Ctrl + enter inserts a new line into VS (even without redirection) ...


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913779/

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