What is the image size (resolution) for developing iPad 3 applications?

As we know, iPad 3 has a resolution of 2048 × 1536. For iPhone 4 with a retina display, we put a large image with the name @ 2X and one normal image in our kit.

therefore, to develop iPad 3 applications, we also need to put two images: one is the normal size and the other with a larger size named @ 2X ..?

Does anyone know please reply.

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2 answers

With iPad 3, you also just need to name your retina images foo@2x.png . This should be exactly twice the resolution of the corresponding foo.png . So let's say foo.png is 10x10, then your foo@2x.png should be 20x20.

You can also make a version specifically for the iPhone / iPod or iPad, and iOS will automatically select the correct version. You can use the ~iphone and ~ipad modifiers for this:

  • foo.png for all devices with no retina display.
  • foo~iphone.png specifically for iPhone / iPod without retina
  • foo~ipad.png specifically for iPad without retina
  • foo@2x.png for all devices with retina display.
  • foo@2x ~iphone.png specifically for iPhone / iPad retina.
  • foo@2x ~ipad.png specifically for iPad retina

You can mix them in any combination, if there is always a version for all supported devices (if you use the iPad application, there is no need to provide images for the iPhone, of course). So this is normal, for example, foo~iphone.png , foo~ipad.png , and then foo@2x.png .


I think it will be “image ~ ipad” and “image @ 2x ~ ipad” for iPad with Retina Display if you are writing a universal application (since “image” and “image @ 2x” are for iPhone / iPod images).

Otherwise, I think "image" and "image @ 2x" are ok.

Refer to How to Support iPad and iPhone Setting Graphics in Generic Applications .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913772/

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