Create Android SDK: Only One Android Goal Is Created

Edit: I know that I can easily download the SDK, but I specifically want to build everything myself. I am trying to understand the build process more.

I used the repo to download the AOSP source. Several places help me build the SDK as follows:

$ cd $AOSP_ROOT $ . build/ $ lunch sdk-eng $ make sdk 

This works fine, I get the zip file from the SDK, and the emulator works. However, the only target for Android that is generated is the latter, for example.

 $ cd $SDK_ROOT/platforms $ ls android- 

- that’s all I see. How can I get other Android targets? Should I use the repo to switch the Android branch I'm working on, build the entire SDK and just copy the files I need? Is there an easier way, like another goal, to achieve this? Can I request the creation of an SDK and the availability of all goals? Should I just download the non-locally compiled SDK and copy the targets to my SDK_ROOT / platforms?

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1 answer

You need to use the repo tool to switch to the appropriate branch and build your SDK for this branch. I do not think that it is possible to build an SDK for all branches at the same time.



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