Eclipse does not begin

When I try to start eclipse, I get the following error window:

Java was started but returned exit code=1<br> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\javaw.exe<br> -Xms40m<br> -Xmx384m<br> -XX:-UseCompressedOops<br> XMaxPermSize=256m<br> -jar C:\Eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar<br> -os win32<br> -ws win32<br> -arch x84_64<br> -showsplash<br> -launcher C:\Eclipse\eclipse.exe<br> -name Eclipse<br> --launcher.library C:\Eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.100.v20110502\eclipse_1406.dll<br> -startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar<br> -launcher.overrideVmargs<br> -Xms40m<br> -Xmx384m<br> -XX:-UseCompressedOops<br> -XX:MaxPermSize=256m<br> -jar C:\Eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar<br> 


OS: Wndows 7 64 bit SP1
Java: jdk1.7.0_03
Eclipse: eclipse-SDK-3.7.2-win32-x86_64
Java installation folder: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_03 \
Path: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Solution for connecting to a PC \; C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Windows Live; C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Windows Live;% SystemRoot% \ system32;% SystemRoot%;% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ Wbem;% SYSTEMROOT% \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \; C: \ Program Files \ Intel \ WiFi \ bin \; C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Intel \ WirelessCommon \; C: \ Program Files \ Dell \ DW WLAN Card; C: \ Program Files \ TortoiseSVN \ bin; C: \ Program Files \ Perforce; C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Live \ Shared C: \ Program Files \ WIDCOMM \ Bluetooth Software \; C: \ Program Files \ WIDCOMM \ Bluetooth Software \ syswow64; D: \ Nitin Personal \ Softwares \; C: \ Windows \ System32 \; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_03 \ bin; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre7 \ bin

The following is the contents of eclipse.ini:

 -startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.100.v20110502 -showsplash org.eclipse.platform --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m openFile -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\javaw.exe --launcher.defaultAction -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx384m -XX:-UseCompressedOops 

Please, help.

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19 answers

I ran into the same problem and was resolved by changing the -Xmx value to a lower value in eclipse.ini.

The old configuration was:

 -vm C:/your_appication/jvm/jvm160_32/jre/bin/javaw.exe -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx1024m 

New configuration:

 -vm C:/your_appication/jvm/jvm160_32/jre/bin/javaw.exe -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx256m 

I fixed this problem by deleting javaw.exe. Mine was in C: /Windows/system32/javaw.exe


At the command prompt, call

eclipse -clean

This will start eclipse successfully. It worked for me.


Is this the default eclipse.ini, or has it been edited? "openFile" should be on the line after "--launcher.defaultAction"


Add this line to .ini


c:/apps/java/jdk1.6.0_21/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll If this does not help, check and see that you downloaded eclipse (32 / 64bit) correctly. Reinstall the JDK and JRE to the latest versions, see if this helps.


make sure you do not mix the 64-bit Java runtime with the 32-bit eclipse (or vice versa). it once caused a similar problem for me


Another option is to try lowering the value specified for -Xmx.

I encountered the same error when starting Eclipse Helios on a computer running Windows XP (like 32-bit OS and 32-bit JDK). I did not change any configuration on my machine, so I was at a dead end.

The only difference was that I connected to the machine through RDP. I believe this forces Windows to load some additional DLLs in places that limit the available continuous memory. In my case, I can constantly run the JVM -Xmx1280m when I'm sitting in front of the car, but I can only control -Xmx1024m when connected via RDP.


Delete this line

-vm C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_33 \ bin \ javaw.exe


By Eclipse Wiki - eclipse.ini vm_value (Windows example)

This may not work on all systems. If you encounter Java when starting eclipse but return exit code = 1, change the -vm argument to point to jvm.dll

So in your case it will be

 -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll 

Also note that

The -vm parameter must occur before the -vmargs parameter, since everything after -vmargs is passed directly to the JVM

I work successfully with -Xmx1024m


I had this problem regularly, but only the second time I started Eclipse without restarting Windows.

I am developing Android and fixing the problem, making sure that my test device was not connected via USB when starting Eclipse 2nd and subsequent times.


-vm C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_20 \ bin \ javaw.exe for 32-bit

If you downloaded the 64-bit eclipse installation, download JDK1.7, which by default will be installed in C: \ Program Files \ Java.

Change the -vm argument in the eclipse.ini file to point to C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre7 \ bin \ javaw.exe.

Your problem should be solved with this.


I fixed this by removing all Java components from my Win7 computer and reinstalling “Java SE Runtime Environment 7” for 64-bit because my Eclipse installation was also 64 bits.


Something went wrong in eclipse-workspace. My eclipse showed only a splash screen at startup, and then disappeared (= crash).

I managed to restore my precious RemoteSystemsExplorer connections by renaming the old workspace. Then run Eclipse to create an empty workspace. Then a closed eclipse. Copied from the old workspace: workspace3.metadata.plugins \ org.eclipse.rse.core folder to a new workspace folder.


All answers show that this problem may be based on your eclipse or java configuration. I think there should be some kind of log or popup so that the user knows why the IDE cannot start. In my case, restarting the computer resolved the issue.


I fixed the problem by adding below lines

-vm C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_24 \ bin \ javaw.exe

This line was missing in my jbdevstudio.ini file.

I think the problem arose because I copied the Java folder from C: to D :, therefore, now there were two javaw.exe on my system.

Note. - Please add them in two lines, as indicated above.


I tried all of the above, but nothing worked. I finally installed my Java updates that it worked.


Just changed

-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.6 to 1.7


I solve this problem by adding below line to eclipse.ini file in my case

-vm C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_91 \ jre \ bin \ javaw.exe



I fixed it by uninstalling all java components and reinstalling jdk.



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