I have a query in which index search (without clustering) takes more time about 93% of the total execution time.
query execution plan, the estimated number of rows to search for the index is 1, and the actual number of rows is 209. is this a problem?
How to improve search performance without clustering. A general answer would be helpful.
Execution plan:
And the following query:
SELECT TOP 11 DVPR1.IncidentID, DVPR2.IncidentID, Rel.ID, PER1.[LastName], PER1.[FirstName] FROM DV_PHPersonalRecord DVPR1 INNER JOIN Relationship Rel ON Rel.source_Id = DVPR1.RowId AND Rel.typeCode = 'RPLC' INNER JOIN DV_PHPersonalRecord DVPR2 ON DVPR2.RowId = Rel.target_Id INNER JOIN [T_Attribute] (nolock) ON [T_Attribute].[ActRelationship_ID] = Rel.[ID] AND [T_Attribute].[name] = 'MergeFlag' AND ( [T_Attribute].[valueString_Code] = 'pending') INNER JOIN [Person] PER1 (nolock) ON DVPR1.[PersonDR]=PER1.[RowID] INNER JOIN [Person] PER2 (nolock) ON DVPR2.[PersonDR]=PER2.[RowID] WHERE DVPR1.TypeDR = 718990 AND (PER1.[Code_ID] IS NULL OR ( PER1.[Code_ID] = '6516' AND PER1.[OptionsCode_ID] = '6522') ) AND ( PER2.[Code_ID] IS NULL OR ( PER2.[Code_ID] = '6516' AND PER2.[OptionsCode_ID] = '6522') ) ORDER BY PER1.[LastName] ASC, PER1.[FirstName] ASC
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