Install the initializer (the following will work locally on your computer and on the hero with the addition to bonsai, just in case ...):
# config/initializers/bonsai.rb if ENV['BONSAI_INDEX_URL'] Tire.configure do url "" end BONSAI_INDEX_NAME = ENV['BONSAI_INDEX_URL'][/[^\/]+$/] else app_name = Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore.dasherize BONSAI_INDEX_NAME = "#{app_name}-#{Rails.env}" end
In your model add index_name
class Event include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks index_name BONSAI_INDEX_NAME field :name, :type => String field :description, :type => String field :started_at => Time field :ended_at => Time def to_indexed_json self.as_json end end
Then open the Rails console with rails c
and run:
1.9.2p290 :001 >Event.create_elasticsearch_index => 200 : {"ok":true,"acknowledged":true} 1.9.2p290 :002 > Tire.index BONSAI_INDEX_NAME 1.9.2p290 :003 > import Event.all 1.9.2p290 :004?> refresh 1.9.2p290 :005?> end
You should see something similar:
MONGODB (0ms) ... ['system.namespaces'].find({}) MONGODB (0ms) ... ['events'].find({}) =>
Now run the rails and try again.
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