Ruby: ElasticSearch + Tire :: Search :: SearchRequestFailed - IndexMissingException bus error?

I want to use ElasticSearch + Tire for searches stored in MongoDB.

However, when I try to search, I get the following error:

Tires :: Search :: SearchRequestFailed in SearchController # index

404 : {"error":"IndexMissingException[[events] missing]","status":404} 

From what I understand, this tells me that there are no indexes for the event, although I told him to generate them when I ran db:setup .


 class Event include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks field :name, :type => String field :description, :type => String field :started_at => Time field :ended_at => Time def to_indexed_json self.as_json end end 


  def search[:q]) end 

Any ideas on how to resolve this, please?

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5 answers

... or even better, just run:

 rake environment tire:import CLASS=Event FORCE=true 

Install the initializer (the following will work locally on your computer and on the hero with the addition to bonsai, just in case ...):

 # config/initializers/bonsai.rb if ENV['BONSAI_INDEX_URL'] Tire.configure do url "" end BONSAI_INDEX_NAME = ENV['BONSAI_INDEX_URL'][/[^\/]+$/] else app_name = Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore.dasherize BONSAI_INDEX_NAME = "#{app_name}-#{Rails.env}" end 

In your model add index_name :

 class Event include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks index_name BONSAI_INDEX_NAME field :name, :type => String field :description, :type => String field :started_at => Time field :ended_at => Time def to_indexed_json self.as_json end end 

Then open the Rails console with rails c and run:

 1.9.2p290 :001 >Event.create_elasticsearch_index => 200 : {"ok":true,"acknowledged":true} 1.9.2p290 :002 > Tire.index BONSAI_INDEX_NAME 1.9.2p290 :003 > import Event.all 1.9.2p290 :004?> refresh 1.9.2p290 :005?> end 

You should see something similar:

 MONGODB (0ms) ... ['system.namespaces'].find({}) MONGODB (0ms) ... ['events'].find({}) => #<Tire::Index:0xca8fb18 @name="your-app-name-development",@response=200 : {"ok":true,"_shards":{"total":10,"successful":5,"failed":0}}> 1.9.2p290 :006 > 

Now run the rails and try again.


... see also:

 Event.index.import Event.all 

Thus, all your records are loaded into memory, serialized in JSON and sent by wire to ElasticSearch. This, as well as two solutions before, should throw IndexMissingException [[events] missing] out of the way.


This can happen if you change the configuration. Try removing Tire.configure if you define it.


Have you indexed your event model? And your object model? Elastic search also searches for an index of objects

I have a rake task to reindex my models

desc "Reindex Event"
task: reindex_events =>: environment do

 batch_size = 1000 count = batch_size Event.all.find_in_batches(:batch_size => batch_size) { |objects| puts "Count: " + count.to_s count += batch_size Event.index.import objects } 




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