How can I request only direct descendants?

Let's say I have entities a, b, and c all of the same type, and the situation is this:

entity a is the parent of object b; object b is the parent of c

Now, if I make the following request

query = ndb.Query(ancestor=a.key) result = query.fetch() 

The result will contain both objects b and c. Is there any way I can filter c so that only entities that are direct descendants remain? In any case, besides me, I mean the results and their removal.

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3 answers

The only way to do this is to change your schema by adding a β€œparent” KeyProperty that references the direct parent and then filters it.


Actually, this is not supported at all. Nick's answer works, but only if you can specify the type of object in the request that the OP did not specify:

"Useless queries cannot include filters by properties, but they can filter by Entity Key by passing Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY as the property name for the filter. Upstream sorts on Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY are also supported."


This is a bit late, however it will help anyone who has the same problem.

The solution is to first execute the query only for keys and take a subset of the keys that are direct descendants.

With this subset of keys, you can batch get the right objects.

I am not familiar with python, so here is an example in go:

 directDescKeys := make([]*datastore.Key, 0) q := datastore.NewQuery("A").Ancestor(parentKey).KeysOnly() for it := q.Run(ctx);; { key, err := it.Next(nil) if err == datastore.Done { break } else if err != nil { // handle error } if reflect.DeepEquals(key.Parent(), parentKey) { directDescKeys = append(directDescKeys, key) } } entities := make([]*A, len(directDescKeys)) if err := datastore.GetMulti(ctx, directDescKeys, entities); err != nil { // handle error } 


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