How to save saved javascript in mongodb from node.js

The following code snippet:

var mongo = require('mongodb'); var db = new mongo.Db('test', new mongo.Server('', 27017, {})); var callback = function (e, result) { if (e) { console.log(e); process.exit(1); } console.log(result); process.exit(0); } (e) { if (e) callback(e); db.collection('system.js', function (e, coll) { if (e) callback(e);{ "_id" : "myFunction", "value" : "function myFunction() { return 123; }" }, function (e) { if (e) callback(e); db.eval("myFunction()", [], function (e, result) { if (e) callback(e); callback(undefined, result); }); }); }); }); 


 [Error: eval failed: invoke failed: JS Error: TypeError: myFunction is not a function nofile_a:0] 

I found out that the problem is with quotation marks ("") that wrap the function definition.

In mongo-kli:

 > db.system.js.find() { "_id" : "myFunction", "value" : "function myFunction() { return 123; }" } 

But after:

 >{_id : "myFunction", value : function myFunction() { return 123; }}); 


 > db.system.js.find() { "_id" : "myFunction", "value" : function cf__5__f_myFunction() { return 123; } } 

db.eval ("myFunction ()") works!

So my question is: how to save a stored procedure from node.js using the native node-Mongodb driver?

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1 answer

After reading the documentation about driver data types, I realized that instead of passing a line of code, I need to pass the mongo.Code object:

 { "_id" : "myFunction", "value" : new mongo.Code("function myFunction() { return 123; }") } 


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