Is it possible to use groovy templating instead of scala for Java applications based on Java 2.0?

I'm new to Play 2.0, it's hard for me to understand scala templating to create views. Is it possible to return to groovy, as it was in the earlier versions of the Play platform. for example: Play 1.2, Play 1.2.4

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1 answer

Yes, a module is available for groovy:

I found Scala templates not so bad to work after a week of playing with them, especially if you use Scala on the controller part. You might consider sticking to a learning curve.

Adding comments:

object ApplicationBuild extends Build { ... val appDependencies = Seq( "eu.delving" %% "groovy-templates-plugin" % "1.1" ) val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings( resolvers += "Delving Snapshot Repository" at "", resolvers += "Delving Releases Repository" at "" ) } 

Worked for me.



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