JQuery stop html cookie

I am using this short code snippet:

var d = itemID + "," + quantity; var CookieData = $.cookie("storebasket"); if(CookieData == null || CookieData == "") { $.cookie("storebasket", d, { path: '/', expires: 60 }); } else { $.cookie("storebasket", CookieData + "|" + d, { path: '/', expires: 60 }); } 

However, the ALLWAYS value becomes HTML encoded. For instance:


What when decoding with this tool :


I tried using unescape but no luck:

 $.cookie("storebasket", unescape(d), { path: '/', expires: 60 }); 

Any ideas?

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2 answers

jquery.cookie encodes the comma by default. To undo this, simply do:

 $.cookie.raw = true; 

This answer is really helpful:

Cookies allowed characters

But I really don't see the problem. If you want to use them in your document, you can delete them. If you want to save them in cookies, they will be escaped.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913445/

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