If internet access to access the program is acceptable, you can use iSpeech .
You can use their APIs , but the problem is that it is limited to 200 uses / day.
iSpeech decently voices voices, usually more polished than other TTS engines that I'm tired of, like espeak or FreeTTS , because it actually pronounces words more smoothly. Of course, he can say βWind,β referring to air, as βWind,β referring to twisting, but he also speaks well.
In addition, although I had no previous experience with this, I found an article that showed how to access MS Speech from the command line (which, obviously, can be done using Java [if you donβt know how to do this here is a good article). Here is here . At the command prompt, all you do is enter "SayDynamic.exe" the text you want to say. "
* Or SayStatic, another download is available on the page.
This method seems to be better in terms of speed and does not rely on Internet access, but it definitely does NOT say things like iSpeech. I think that the ideal opportunity for your program would be to use iSpeech while working on the network and use Say * .exe offline.
The site also provides the source code for the program. As you may have noticed, this is not the voice of Microsoft Anna, but you can specify this in the source and recompile it.
I hope I helped!
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