The generated _p.c and dlldata.c must be compiled into a separate project to create a proxy / stub DLL. You do not always need it only when you march calls through apartments or processes.
The generated _i.c file provides GUID values. Compile it on the server and proxy / stub. Compiling it into the client is fine, but using the __uuidof keyword is the easiest.
The generated _i.h file contains interface declarations and coclass. You will need to # include it in the server and client.
Midl.exe should automatically recover these files when .idl changes. This, in turn, guarantees the restoration of the client, server and proxy / stub.
stdafx.h excellent, yes in the include directory.
There are no "links", the client and server are not dependent on links.
You will need to write a manifest for reg-free com and paste it into the client.
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