Mocking an abstract class with a mocked constructor argument?

I would like to use Mockito for the unit test of an abstract class described in detail in this excellent answer.

The trick is that an abstract class has a dependency on a strategy that is introduced into its constructor. I created a strategy layout and I would like my mocking BaseClass instance to use the mocked strategy for my unit test.

Any suggestion on how I can connect this? I am not currently using the IoC framework, but am considering Spring. Perhaps this will be a trick?

// abstract class to be tested w/ mock instance abstract BaseClass { // Strategy gets mocked too protected BaseClass( Strategy strategy) { ... } } 

Update :
According to the Mockito mailing list, there is currently no way to pass arguments to the layout constructor.

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3 answers

I saw what was done using Mockito at the spring context level.


 <bean id="myStrategy" name="myStrategy" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock"> <constructor-arg value="Strategy" /> </bean> 

Hope this helps.


In the end, I just used reflection to set a private field in my base class, for example:

 // mock the strategy dependency Strategy strategyMock = mock( Strategy.class); when(....).thenReturn(...); // mock the abstract base class BaseClass baseMock = mock(BaseClass.class, CALLS_REAL_METHODS); // get the private streategy field Field strategyField = baseMock.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("_privateStrategy"); // make remove final modifier and make field accessible Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers"); modifiersField.setAccessible(true); modifiersField.setInt(strategyField, strategyField.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL); strategyField.setAccessible(true); // set the strategy strategyField.set(baseMock, strategyMock); // do unit tests with baseMock ... 

It will break if the name of the private field has ever changed, but commented on it, and I can live with it. This is a simple, one line of code, and I find it preferable to expose any setters or have an explicit subclass in my tests.

Edit: So this is not a single line of code, since my personal field should be "final", which requires an additional reflection code.


You do not need to do anything special. Just make fun of the bean as usual:

 Bean bean = mock(Bean.class); when(bean.process()).thenReturn(somethingThatShouldBeNamedVO); 

It just works :)



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