I recently upgraded to Xcode 4.3 from 4.2 and it looks like they got rid of the New File option to add a subclass of UIViewController. I used to do the following:
File => New File ... => Cocoa Touch => Subclass of UIViewController.
but now the options for the new file seem to have changed, and I can not find this option. Can somehow point me in the right direction?
In Xcode 7, the function is slightly different:
File => Create => File ... => iOS (Source) => Cocoa Touch Class => select the "subclass" of UIViewController.
Edit: Updated for Xcode 7.3
Use File->New->Objective-C Class , select UIViewController as the class.
File->New->Objective-C Class
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913291/More articles:Unable to figure out how to publish the public key created on the iPhone. - pythonDownload DER-encoded RSA key using M2Crypto - pythonHow to make buttons in python / pygame? - pythonDecoding an arbitrary NSData block? - iosAndroid HttpResponse - content has been consumed - androidUsing VBA to modify an image - vbaHow can I share a service between activities without restarting? - androidHow to have a GitPoller build source to modify all branches? - gitAndroid: How to solve Bitmap java.lang.OutOfMemoryError? - androidOutOfMemoryError in a game with many small images - androidAll Articles