I need to parse String to create a PathSegmentCollection . A line consists of numbers separated by comas and / or (any) spaces (for example, a new line, tab, etc.), and numbers can also be written using scientific notation.
This is an example: "9.63074,9.63074 -5.55708e-006 0 ,0 1477.78"
And the points: P1 (9.63074, 9.63074), P2 (-0.555708, 0), P3 (0, 1477.78)
To extract numbers, I use a regex:
Dim RgxDouble As New Regex("[+-]?\b[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?\b") Dim Matches As MatchCollection = RgxDouble.Matches(.Value) Dim PSegmentColl As New PathSegmentCollection Dim PFigure As New PathFigure With Matches If .Count < 2 OrElse .Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then Exit Sub PFigure.StartPoint = New Point(.Item(0).Value, .Item(1).Value) For i As UInteger = 2 To .Count - 1 Step 2 Dim x As Double = .Item(i).Value, y As Double = .Item(i + 1).Value PSegmentColl.Add(New LineSegment With {.Point = New Point(x, y)}) Next End With
This works, but I have to parse about a hundred thousand (or more) lines, and this way is too slow. I want to find a more effective solution, whereas: in most cases, numbers are not written in scientific notation, and if you think the best way, I have no problem using an assembly written in C ++ / CLI that uses C / C ++ Unmanaged code or unsafe C # code.
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