Go to anchor tag without displaying hashtag in url

I am currently using jQuery to load a page with a specific hashtag (via the onload function in the body class) when the user clicks on the message header. Obviously, the hashtag appears in the url. I was wondering if there is a way to hide the hashtag from cluttering the URL. There were some searches and did not come up much.

 function goToAnchor() { location.href = "#post"; } 
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3 answers

As shown here: http://djpate.com/2009/10/07/animated-scroll-to-anchorid-function-with-jquery/

 function goToByScroll(id){ $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow'); } 

Just pass in the id of the item you want to scroll through.


You can bind the click event with this particular type of binding and prevent it by default:

 $('.anchorClass').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // rest of stuff }); 

“The rest” means looking for a kind of plugin or code that jumps to the page. If you want it to move smoothly forward, there is a fairly popular scrollTo plugin. Perhaps even the scrollTo plugin will take care of the default prevention.


Jeff's suggestion (assuming it works) is “the rest of the material” and all the more useful of the two answers. ;-) But preventing default is still important.


I think you can just use the .htaccess file. There you can make some URLs at the same address.

For example, fff.com/fff and fff.com and fff.com#anchor may appear as fff.com in the browser tab.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/913160/

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