Visual Studio + gdb remote debugging

What is the best way to remotely debug gdb in real time and use Visual Studio as an interface.

In my case: I have a C ++ application (compiled for debugging) running on a Linux server

  • Is it possible to use Visual Studio on my Windows machine as an interface to do live debugging in a C ++ application. Is it possible for a large-scale application (OR)
  • If the above is not possible, can I use eclipse in my windows or in another linux window to do the same remote debug live debugging
  • Any other IDE options?


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5 answers

You can easily do this with VisualGDB :

  • Build the application on a Linux machine and make sure you can run it.
  • Install VisualGDB on your Windows computer using Visual Studio.
  • Run the VisualGDB build server on a Linux machine.
  • In Visual Studio, create a new project, select C ++ -> VisualGDB
  • In the wizard, select Linux Application → Import Existing → Import from Remote machine
  • Select the directory where you created the Linux application. If it is not based on GNU Make, also specify the build command line.
  • Specify whether you want to synchronize IntelliSense directories with Visual Studio.
  • On the last page of the wizard, specify the executable name of your project so that VisualGDB knows what to debug.

When you click finish, the wizard will create a Visual Studio shell project around your Linux project so that you can edit the files, create the project, and debug it from Visual Studio.

Here's a more detailed tutorial:


You can try WinGDB .

This is an extension for Visual Studio that allows you to develop and debug programs using GDB. Here's how to configure Linux Remote Deployment using WinGDB .


I do not think this is possible with Visual Studio.

This should be possible with the gdbserver / gdb combo, but on a Windows computer you will need a special build of gdb designed for Linux. I have never tried this, but it could be built. If you can do this, you can use Eclipse or any IDE that supports GNU tools.


Just some recommendations:
You can install a free X server on your Windows computer, such as Xming or Xorg in Cygwin. You can then do your own Linux debugging using eclipse. Just show the eclipse GUI to your Windows X server. You can interact with the graphical interface on your Windows machine.


Now it is possible with the extension VS2015 + GDB, reas MS blog post here:



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