I am setting up an application running Backbone. I ran into the “should be simple” problem where I have a model called “Message”, a collection of “MessageList” and “Views” called “MessageView” and “MessageListView”.
MessageListView code displays a MessageList. I have 4 toggle buttons that filter what MessageListView shows. The filter buttons are All, Asset, Mark and Ignore. "All" is the initial page load filter. When the user clicks the Flag filter, only messages with the flag == 1 should appear. When the All button is clicked again, all messages should appear again.
The problem I am facing, and the problem in my design, is that when filtering a collection based on filterString, the link to the original whole collection is lost. So, when "All" is pressed again, the messages are lost.
I am wondering what is the best way to do this in Backbone ...
Here's the installation code ...
var messageListView = new MessageListView({collection: messageList});
Here's the code for MessageListView ...
MessageListView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize : function() { this.collection.on("add", function(model) { var view = new MessageView({model: model}); $("div.cameras").prepend(view.render().el); }); this.collection.on("remove", function(model) { var ID = model.id; $("#message-" + ID).parent("div.message").remove(); }); this.collection.on("reset", function(models) { $("div.cameras").empty(); models.each(function(message) { var view = new MessageView({model: message}); $("div.cameras").prepend(view.render().el); }); }); }, filterMessages : function(filterString) { var filtered = this.collection.filter(function(model){ if (filterString == "all") { return true; } else if (filterString == "active") { return model.get("ignore") == "0"; } else if (filterString == "ignore") { return model.get("ignore") == "1"; } else if (filterString == "flag") { return model.get("flag") == true; } }); this.collection.reset(filtered); },
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