Java Real-time Debugging (game)

In this video: v = BES9EKK4Aw4

Notch (the creator of minecraft) does what he calls "real-time debugging." It actually modifies the code and plays the game at the same time without recompilation.

Does anyone know what this is called, or where can I get more information on how to achieve this? I look without success!

Regards, Erwald

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2 answers

This feature is called hotswapping and is supported by some JVMs. The Eclipse IDE debugger is capable of hot-swapping your code in debug mode ( F11 ). Eclipse can also automatically build your project after saving the modified file (and hot-swapping when starting the debug build) Notch seems to use this particular technique.


some IDE s do this: eclipse, netbeans, intellij idea, etc.

however, some changes require recompilation (addition or removal of a method, etc.)

and what he uses is probably an eclipse.



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