Application using saxonHE ( api to handle XSLT (v2.0) for multiple XML files

I have an application that uses SAXONHE api files to convert XML data to plain text. My form has text fields for

  • XMLInput_FilePath
  • XSLT_FilePath
  • TextOutput_FilePath

In the case of okButton_Click () of my form, I have the following:

private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileStream xsltTransform_FileStream = File.Open(xsltTransform_FilePath.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); FileStream xmlInput_FileStream = File.Open(xmlInput_FilePath.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); XmlTextReader modelFileXML = new XmlTextReader(xmlInput_FileStream); modelFileXML.XmlResolver = null; Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(modelFileXML); XsltTransformer xsltTransformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(xsltTransform_FileStream).Load(); xsltTransformer.InputXmlResolver = null; xsltTransformer.InitialContextNode = input; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); serializer.SetOutputFile(writeFile); xsltTransformer.Run(serializer); xsltTransform_FileStream.Close(); modelFileStream.Close(); } 

In the context of my XMLInput file, there is a link to the data in another XML file - see below:


 <XMLInput_File Name="XMLInput_File"> <Subsystem Name="Subsystem"> <Requirements Name="Requirement_1"> <Rows> <Path Text="XMLInput2_File:/XMLInput2_File/Subsystem_1/Field_1" /> </Rows> <Rows> <Path Text="XMLInput2_File:/XMLInput2_File/Subsystem_1/Field_2" /> </Rows> </Requirements> <Requirements Name="Requirement_2"> <Rows> <Path Text="XMLInput2_File:/XMLInput2_File/Subsystem_1/Field_3" /> </Rows> <Rows> <Path Text="XMLInput2_File:/XMLInput2_File/Subsystem_2/Field_1" /> </Rows> </Requirements> </Subsystem> </XMLInput_File> 

The Text attribute is the place where the external path of the XML file is stored. In the above example, the XML file name will be “XMLInput2_File.xml”.


 <XMLInput2_File Name="XMLInput2_File"> <Subsystem Name="Subsystem_1"> <Fields Name="Field_1"> S1_Field_One </Fields> <Fields Name="Field_2"> S1_Field_Two </Fields> <Fields Name="Field_3"> S1_Field_Three </Fields> </Subsystem> <Subsystem Name="Subsystem_2"> <Fields Name="Field_1"> S2_Field_One </Fields> <Fields Name="Field_2"> S2_Field_Two </Fields> <Fields Name="Field_3"> S2_Field_Three </Fields> </Subsystem> </XMLInput2_File> 


  <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:for-each select ="//Rows/Path"> <xsl:variable name ="interfaceData" select ="@Text"/> <xsl:variable name ="_intfModelName" select ="substring-before(@Text,':/')"/> <xsl:variable name ="_intfFileName" select ="concat('../../OtherXMLFiles/',$_intfModelName,'.xml')"/> <xsl:apply-templates select ="document($_intfFileName)/*[@Name=$_intfModelName]/*"> </xsl:apply-templates> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template> 

I am using Microsoft Visual Studion 2008 Professional Edition to test my conversion, and the script described above works just as it should - document () refers to an external file more specifically. However, when I use my C # Winform application and saxon api calls, my output file contains empty data (empty lines).

After several tests and searching on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the relative path [in my XSLT] does not apply as it should. It seems that saxon api is processing the document () function from the location of the transform.exe file and not the input file (which I would prefer).

I am trying to make more internet requests on this issue, and I am confused about whether the problem is in my XSLT file or in saxon api calls in the okButton_Click () event. Also, I was on the saxon site and documentation for reference, but to no avail.

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2 answers

In your XSLT use

  <xsl:apply-templates select ="document($_intfFileName, /)/*[@Name=$_intfModelName]/*"> 

if you want the relative URL to be resolved relative to the input document (and not the stylesheet).


After posting my request to the Saxon help mailing list, Michael Kay from Saxony helped me with this. The error was in my saxon api calls (C # applicaiton). Below is the updated code:

 private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new Uri(inputFile)); XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(inputFile); XsltTransformer xsltTransformer = compiler.Compile(new Uri(transformFileTextBox.Text)).Load(); xsltTransformer.InitialContextNode = input; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); serializer.SetOutputFile(writeFile); xsltTransformer.Run(serializer); xsltTransform_FileStream.Close(); modelFileStream.Close(); } 

"The problem is that you call document () to resolve the relative URI whose base URI is unknown. Because you use a substring before calculating the relative URI, the argument is a string, so the base URI to be used is the stylesheet. The base URI of the stylesheet is unknown since you built a stylesheet from the stream; in this situation, Saxon defaults to the current working directory. You can set the base URI using the XsltCompiler.BaseUri Property. "- Michelle Kai

So here is what I did

  • removed both FileStream variables
  • created an XsltCompiler object and installed BaseUri in the input file
  • replaced the signature of FileStream with the signature of 'new Uri (filename)
  • deleted this line of code 'xsltTransformer.InputXmlResolver = null;'

My conclusion is as it should be. Many thanks to Michael Kay of Saxony for his help in resolving this. - Lorenz



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