Is there an official literal / reserved symlink for PowerShell?

Is there an official (i.e. technical or MSDN, not a blog) link for literal (or even reserved) PowerShell characters?

Symbols I mean include | (pipeline data), $ (variables), @() (arrays), @{} (hashtables) and ${} (I don’t even know what this does)

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2 answers

I would start with PS C:\> Get-Help About_Reserved_Words and continue reading links to help pages.

See also:

  • about_Command_Syntax
  • about_Escape_Characters
  • about_Language_Keywords
  • about_Parsing
  • about_Quoting_Rules
  • about_Script_Blocks
  • about_Special_Characters

Built-in using PowerShell with Get-Help built-in help is one of the hidden stones.


The Windows PowerShell version 2.0 language specification can be downloaded from here . Here are almost all the details.



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