Programming an Android Application Using Ceylon

Can I create an Android app using Ceylon? Since Ceylon can run any JVM, the implementation of Ceylon to create an Android application should be pretty simple, as I understand it. Is it like Scala where the size of the application becomes significantly larger and should use a proguard or SBT-android plugin? How viable is it? Can Ceylon be a good option for this? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?

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2 answers

Chochos answer seems a bit outdated. Here you can see that the Ceylon team already published (January 2014) some initial Android support, even with the Eclipse plugin.

Another older thread that talks about this is this one . It would be great if during these 7 months of 2014 they faded away most of the breaks, and writing applications on Android with Ceylon is already nice. I'll do it myself as soon as possible.

UPDATE . There is a "Ceylon-Android" compatible plugin that can be installed.


Writing Android applications in Ceylon is a long-term goal, not a priority at the moment. So, at least for the remainder of 2012, I think the answer is no, you cannot write an Android application in Ceylon.



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